
Utilities for working with errors and exceptions.

rethrow(message, context)Rethrow an exception that occurred within a child coroutine.
rethrow(message, context)Source

Rethrow an exception that occurred within a child coroutine.

This integrates with CC:T's exception protocol, to ensure friendlier error reporting in the shell. This


  1. message The error message.
  2. context coroutine The thread executing this code.


  • Define a function checked_resume, which attempts to resume a coroutine, and rethrows any errors using rethrow.

    local rethrow = require "metis.exception".rethrow
    local function checked_resume(co, ...)
      local ok, result = coroutine.resume(co, ...)
      if not ok then rethrow(co, result) end
      return result